A hardy annual that easily self-sows. The bright blue starry flowers are in nodding clusters all summer. Leaves are dark-gray-green, oval-pointed, with prickly hairs. The stem has a cucumber-scented juice.  Attracts bees and is a good companion plant with Strawberries & Tomato plants.

Harvest flowers by gently squeezing behind the flower, holding on to the black stamens. The leaves are also used.

Preserve the flowers by drying them, freezing them in ice cubes or crystallize them.

In Medieval times, Borage was used to give courage before Crusades and also makes people merry and dispels melancholy.

Borago officinalis, Boragninaceae family

Culinary Uses: Sprinkle flowers in salads or crystallize them to decorate cakes. Add the leaves to cold drinks for a cucumber flavour, add to salads or cook like spinach

Medicinal Uses: A poltice of the leaves can soothe inflammation & bruises.

Cultural Requirements: Best in Full Sun in rich, light soil.

Short Description:

A hardy annual that easily self-sows with bright blue starry flowers all summer.

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