Work in Progress: April 3 - Ainsley dug a trench where the Yews will be planted Ainsley sets the new Yews in place The new Yew Hedge is all planted Ainsley adds new soil to the beds, Taeko removes the old path and Grahame removes the gravel base from the old brick path. The path has been removed May - Ainsley has added new soil to raise the beds. She has started planting Planting the shady side of the garden The planted bed looks sparse, but it will fill in quickly The north bed is planted The middle of the north bed The north bed under the California Bay Beautiful new soil added where the original brick path was along the greenhouse June - Almost ready to set the new path Middle of the north bed Almost ready for the new bench to be installed First thoughts of a layout for the new path Remy tamps the sand for the new path. Laura helps July 19 - the new path is in leading to the new bench by the greenhouse The first visitors to try out the new bench and path The new Lattice Fence installed by the greenhouse